I'm a big fan of the Dell Wyse thin clients. They are available in large quantities on the second hand market. They are fanless, low power and bulletproof. I've killed several PCs in machines over the years, mainly due to the fact that my workshop is a bit damp. I've never killed a Wyse. The 5020 (AKA Dx0Q) works well. Try to make sure you get the SSD when you buy one. They use an odd sized short bare board SATA SSD. Older Sandisk 64GB SSDs use this board inside a standard sized housing. It's easy enough to open the housing and pull the board out. Some come with built in wifi. If you want a bit more grunt the 5070 is now hitting the second hand market. They use a SATA M.2 drive.

I have the Dx0D model in my lathe and router. They work but are a little under powered. My network server is a Dx0Q borged out with 3x2TB NVME, 1x6TB SATA hard drive and 1x6TB USB hard drive. It easily saturates it's 1Gb Ethernet but the whole setup including a VDSL router only pulls 25W at idle (drives spun down).

The only down side I find is that they only have one Ethernet port. I generally use a USB wifi dongle to access my network. On later versions of Debian/Ubuntu you also need to partition the drive manually. Automatic partitioning installs a UEFI partition and locks the drive to the computer. It then won't boot if you move the drive to another machine.


On 29/03/2021 19:30, Billy Huddleston wrote:
Looking for a small form factor PC to use.  Been a while since I've put together a new system.

Contemplating this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085RZDVL5  (Has WiFi for LAN connection and onboard Ethernet for the MESA Card)

Or perhaps a Intel NUC?  Anyone have suggestions?  What's everyone using these days?

Thanks, Billy

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