On 6/29/21 4:01 PM, andy pugh wrote:
There seems to be a serious misunderstanding developing here about how
LinuxCNC is organised.

It isn't.

Really not at all.

All LinuxCNC has is a web page, a github, a buildbot, a code-base and
a bunch of contributors.

Some contributors have admin rights on the web server, and some have
push rights on the github. (I have both of these things) But that
doesn't make me part of "The management" or mean that I have some
And the same is true of Jeff. He is a supremely valuable contributor
to the LinuxCNC code-base (I think that he has written more lines of
code than almost any other contributor[1])  but I very much doubt that
he has any particular political agenda to push.
(If I had to guess, and it would be a guess, because we haven't
discussed it,  it would be that Jeff is worried about trouble looming
if we don't have a CoC).

Well,  the lists are on here (sourceforge),  and the 'stuff' is on github (good idea actually).

I assume that sourceforge wants compliance, with how they are organized. The list being 'private' moderated/administered, you could just throw anyone off who's posts you don't like, especially of course, when illegal etc.

I don't think the real trouble is in having a CoC or not. Companies etc tend to have one as "a stick behind the door" more for "personnel management" then anything else. Except for some name guessing you don't know if anyone is male/female, where from etc etc. and it doesn't look like anyone was ever denied on here for things that typically could get you in trouble, simple because you don't know and don't care other then someone being interested in hooking up a stepper motor, or how to thread a bolt. I don't know how admins deal with "deleting user accounts", but from what I see on the list, that doesn't seem to happen often (or at least I don't have the impression it does.)

On social media, like FB etc,  there are people going at each others throats about differences of opinion on what drive through lane to use at McD (yeah I am not kidding)  threaten each other over it too.  Doesn't look like you have anything similar here about CNC stuff. (this CoC thing is probably one of the most "flared up" threads I have ever seen.)  I am not a legal person, but it doesn't look like there's much to worry about,  especially since  the repos,  mailing lists etc seem separate. Besides, I think,  if you'd have a CoC, you might actually  have something that people actually CAN complain about, about it not being inclusive enough, because you forgot to mention some group, OR it being derogatory, illegal etc etc.  Maybe not being too organized, as you mentioned, is a good thing, then there's not much to complain about either.  Now it looks like a bunch of people maintaining something "for fun", some more that volunterely contribute,  and then there this list where anyone can talk/ask/chat about it.

if you get too organized, you might just end up somewhere, where no one wants to be.

but that's just my 2 cts


Don't go imagining that there are Machiavellian intrigues going on in
back-channels. We are not that organised.

Nobody is in charge, there is no committee, there is no board of
directors. Things only get done if one person decides that something
should be done, and then does it.


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