And that's the key point Les.  There was no prior discussion.  As was pointed out in another post, this CoC was created and implemented with no input from the group at large.

Um, I don't know if you noticed but we are having that discussion right now. The CoC is not set in stone. It's just text that can be easily edited.  Jeff introduced it. At that point there should have been some rational discussion and any corrections made as needed. Instead there was a completely unwarranted explosion of vitriol and paranoia. Jeff the dictator is impinging on our FREEDOM! The CoC boils down to 'be nice and treat people with respect'. Really, you are upset because you don't want to be nice and others to be respectful to you? Even if you are, what's wrong with just asking for a change to the text instead of shouting about THE ESTABLISHMENT trying to CONTROL you. This are just a group of like minded individuals, not some oppressive government.

Could Jeff have worded his announcement better? In hindsight yes but remember the only way anything gets done around here is if someone volunteers to do it. How many of the people here screaming about their rights have actually bothered to contribute to maintenance of the source code and the website? If you don't like something how about fixing it, rather than getting upset?


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