Checking and stopping is not good enough.  A robot has to be able to "try"
multiple solutions to the problem before it executes the movement plan.

For example:  It has been told to fetch a bottle of beer from the 'fridge
and it finds the milk is in front of the beer.  So it makes a possible plan
to lift the milk, place it on the counter then lift the beer, place it on
the counter and then replace the milk.

Can this plan work?  It needs to know in advance if a limit of torque or
angle is reached on any of the six joints.   Maybe the wrist motor can't
keep the milk level?  If so then the robot explores removing the pickle jar
and then sliding the milk jug.

Machine tools work the same way but only the planning is done by the CAM
system or the human g-code programmer.  In either case, an optimal solution
is found from the hundreds of less good solutions long before LCNC gets the
g-code file.    It is not different with a robot. The "guy" who writes the
g-code has to plan so as to prevent a crash.

The other problem unique to robot arms is that collision avoidance must
take into account the object that is grasped by the arm.   You do not want
the beer bottle to hit the pickle jar and drag the pickles to the kitchen

But all this is done.   We don't need to use"physics engines".  We can use

BTW, maybe we can see that robots will NOT be taking over jobs so soon.
Today even fetching a beer is a very hard problem that is not yet fully
solved.  Loading a dishwasher or cleaning a toilet is an IMPOSSIBLE task.
 All blue collar jobs are very secure for a LONG time.

On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 10:16 AM Bari <> wrote:

> On 11/18/21 00:54, Chris Albertson wrote:
> >
> > I'm working on some 4+ axis CAM that if the machine and the work holding
> >> devices are included the physics engine will check for collisions to
> >> prevent crashes.
> >>
> A physics engine could be added to the simulator in LCNC to check for
> collisions before they happen.
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

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