I've been playing with it a bit today.

The first and biggest news that I've found is that the Debian live ISOs for 
Bookworm seem to be borked somehow.  It seems to install and run fine until you 
try to install a different kernel than the original one on the ISO.  Then it 
get all huffy about some deb not installing correctly and remaining 
unconfigured and makes it all but impossible to install the real time kernel.  
(It is a bit beyond the effort I was wanting to put into it to figure it out.)

Using the Net Install ISO however worked fine and allowed the Preempt-RT kernel 
to install correctly.  Latency is only OK but should work with the Mesa card I 
plan to use.  (Still fiddling with getting the best latency, right now the best 
I have is about 60us with ISOLCPUS=2,3 on an older i5 pc.)

Todd Zuercher
P. Graham Dunn Inc.
630 Henry Street
Dalton, Ohio 44618
Phone:  (330)828-2105ext. 2031

-----Original Message-----
From: Thaddeus Waldner <thadw...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2023 10:51 PM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Installing From Debian?

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] Be sure links are safe.

I just set up a replacement computer for an existing machine. The part I had 
the most trouble with turned out to be caused by a wifi router being 
misconfigured. Once that was ironed out, system took off without a hitch and 
has been running trouble-free for several days now.

I followed the guide here:


I highly recommend this route.

To aid in figuring out which cores to isolate, I like to use lstopo. It is part 
of the hwloc package.

I have found that on multicore machines, it helps to isolate the last core, as 
well as any adjacent cores that it shares resources with. For example, some low 
power quad core Intel processors share a L2 cache between 2 cores.

> On Jul 5, 2023, at 5:22 PM, Todd Zuercher <to...@pgrahamdunn.com> wrote:
> I have a machine that I am starting to refit and I am considering trying to 
> install that way rather than using one of the more obsolete Linuxcnc ISOs.

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