Yeah, I used the net installer. I didn’t install a different kernel because 
Bookworm preinstalls the preempt-rt kernel (version 6.1.27-1). Installing 
LinuxCNC configured grub to load it by default.

> On Jul 6, 2023, at 2:57 PM, Todd Zuercher <> wrote:
> I've been playing with it a bit today.
> The first and biggest news that I've found is that the Debian live ISOs for 
> Bookworm seem to be borked somehow.  It seems to install and run fine until 
> you try to install a different kernel than the original one on the ISO.  Then 
> it get all huffy about some deb not installing correctly and remaining 
> unconfigured and makes it all but impossible to install the real time kernel. 
>  (It is a bit beyond the effort I was wanting to put into it to figure it 
> out.)
> Using the Net Install ISO however worked fine and allowed the Preempt-RT 
> kernel to install correctly.  Latency is only OK but should work with the 
> Mesa card I plan to use.  (Still fiddling with getting the best latency, 
> right now the best I have is about 60us with ISOLCPUS=2,3 on an older i5 pc.)
> Todd Zuercher
> P. Graham Dunn Inc.
> 630 Henry Street
> Dalton, Ohio 44618
> Phone:  (330)828-2105ext. 2031
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thaddeus Waldner < <>>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2023 10:51 PM
> To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Installing From Debian?
> [EXTERNAL EMAIL] Be sure links are safe.
> I just set up a replacement computer for an existing machine. The part I had 
> the most trouble with turned out to be caused by a wifi router being 
> misconfigured. Once that was ironed out, system took off without a hitch and 
> has been running trouble-free for several days now.
> I followed the guide here:
> I highly recommend this route.
> To aid in figuring out which cores to isolate, I like to use lstopo. It is 
> part of the hwloc package.
> I have found that on multicore machines, it helps to isolate the last core, 
> as well as any adjacent cores that it shares resources with. For example, 
> some low power quad core Intel processors share a L2 cache between 2 cores.
>> On Jul 5, 2023, at 5:22 PM, Todd Zuercher <> wrote:
>> I have a machine that I am starting to refit and I am considering trying to 
>> install that way rather than using one of the more obsolete Linuxcnc ISOs.
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