Just did that.

I had earlier tried to move to bullseye - but a glade problem got in my way -

So just 2 days ago - I first upgraded from buster to bullseye - then bullseye to bookworm - installed linuxcnc from the debian repository.

Good overview of upgrade at 

Tells you how to clean out cruft before hand.

Only had a couple of minor problems - I had to reinstall a customized component - and fix a hal line that it didn't used to complain about. There was a missing '(' in the old copy of hitcounter.py

What really made me smile is gladvcp just worked!
   I run under kde - so I disabled the search indexing engine and other fluff.

You can run htop - before the desktop starts - go over all the tasks that you 
probably don't want.

You can disable tasks with systemctl disable task-name

# cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled   Should return N if you get it 
disabled -

You will want to disable apparmor.
You need to set a kernel paramater..  My line looked like this (a four core 

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet text isolcpus=2,3 apparmor=0"

isolcpus makes a difference as well.

This is with three copies of glxgears running:

Of course, latency is not so important is you are doing counting in hardware 
(think Messa)..


On 7/5/23 05:22PM, Todd Zuercher wrote:
Any one installed Debian 12 and running  Linuxcnc on a machine?  Since Linuxcnc 
is now in Debian Stable, I was wondering if anyone cared to voice their 
opinions about installing and running Linuxcnc that way.

I have a machine that I am starting to refit and I am considering trying to 
install that way rather than using one of the more obsolete Linuxcnc ISOs.

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Karl Schmidt                                  EMail k...@lrak.net
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Ignorant people think it's the noise which fighting
cats make that is so aggravating, but it ain't so;
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