Hi Rob,

Since for OOO causality just is aesthetics, I'm afraid you're not right on that 

I'll send you this essay on it I just wrote for New Literary History if you'd 

There are some other pieces by me on that, online in Singularum and Continent. 

Yours, Tim


On Jun 28, 2012, at 12:30 PM, Rob Myers <r...@robmyers.org> wrote:

> On 06/28/2012 05:56 AM, Timothy Morton wrote:
>> Lots of artists and musicians are now tuning into OOO.
> Yes Ian's book contains some interesting examples.
> The problem is that the defenses of OOO against charges of failing to 
> illustrate Marxism indicate that OOO aesthetics is probably a category error 
> as well.
>> You wrote:
>> "The object in itself being accessible as simply the sum of its unique 
>> (fnarr) aesthetic properties valenced in terms of their efficacy at 
>> reflecting the ego of the gentlemanly spectator is a vision of OOO that 
>> would cause its proponents to clop furiously."
>> That's almost the opposite I'm afraid.
> It *wouldn't* cause them to? ;-)
>> Back to the lab!
> http://www.famousmonstersoffilmland.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/sjff_01_img0077.jpg
> - Rob.
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