Hello Patrick et al.

On 09.09.20 08:01, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:

> In Junior mode, there is no visible key management, and almost no
> possibility to configure anything. You automatically get a key for all
> your accounts, and encryption is done automatically whenever possible.
> You don't need to care for it in most ways. Key verfication is done via
> a handshake that uses trust words instead of fingerprints. In theory,
> there would be key synchronization across devices, but that was not
> finished in the pEp engine for Enigmail (AFAIK, it's now available in
> pEp). The UI is different than Enigmail.

Small correction here: you get for any account an own key pair or an
available key pair is used, if key size is sufficient (e.g.,
>=RSA-2048). This is to avoid easy correlation by public key; so every
account is considered a new identity, so e.g.:

anonym...@hacktivism.ch would be an identity as well as
hernani@pep.foundation is one.

They would get distinct key pairs generated by default.

As for how KeySync looks, see this:


And yes, p≡p for Thunderbird has KeySync working: you can sync your
devices with other TB instances, with Android, iOS and Outlook devices,
if you use them with a common email address.

p≡p foundation: https://pep.foundation/

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