an edje based term would allow for a lot more flexibility in theming, but we need to do some tests to see if etox (or even evas text handling) is up to the task. If I get some free time, I'll look at how etox handles large volumes of text. However, there is still quite a bit of work to do on etox before it would be anywhere near read for something like that.

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 01:49 PM, Ben Rockwood wrote:

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 03:22:17 PDT, Ben Rockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

it'd undoubtly be a resource hog, but damn you could do some awsome
themes for Eterm with Edje for the interface.  Kool theme ideas would
be text fx (fading, etc), theming _above_ the rendered text (glass
effects), full motion pullouts for the buttonbars, scrollbars and
Escreen tabs, full control over the text apperience of your terminal,

Cautionary words that seem to be needing to be said once in a while:

Eterm is a terminal emulator. 'Kool' often translates into 'unreadable
on a long-term basis' - the fact that something is doable isn't always
sufficient reason for actually doing it.

This misses the point.... the point was: is it possible, not is it a good
idea.Readable vs Unreadable is an issue of the theme created not the ability to
theme. And, what you personally think is unreadable is not neccisarily
what other people find unreadable. Some folks love the Nexus font, other
hate it... it's up to the end user to descide.

-- //Ben Rockwood - UNIX Systems Admin //email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] //web: //-> We do what we can, We give what we have, //-> Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task, //-> The rest is the madness of Art. //-> -Henry James

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