On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 03:22:17 PDT, Ben Rockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

it'd undoubtly be a resource hog, but damn you could do some awsome themes
for Eterm with Edje for the interface. Kool theme ideas would be text fx
(fading, etc), theming _above_ the rendered text (glass effects), full
motion pullouts for the buttonbars, scrollbars and Escreen tabs, full
control over the text apperience of your terminal, etc.

Cautionary words that seem to be needing to be said once in a while:

Eterm is a terminal emulator.  'Kool' often translates into 'unreadable on a
long-term basis' - the fact that something is doable isn't always sufficient
reason for actually doing it.

Wouldn't that be up to the user to decide for themselves what is readable? If you can't read the text with shadows then turn off shadows, or turn off whatever option is making it unreadable. People here at work hate trying to read my Eterms now, because I have the font set to small, but just because they can't read it doesn't mean we shouldn't have an option for different font sizes.

Just my 2 cents,


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