On Wednesday, 24 September 2003, at 03:22:17 (-0700),
Ben Rockwood wrote:

> Just a thought, could Eterm possibly be Edjified?  Besides just the
> question of "will someone do it", the more immediate question would
> be, is it possible?The terminal text itself would need to be an EVAS
> or Etox text object, and it'd undoubtly be a resource hog, but damn
> you could do some awsome themes for Eterm with Edje for the
> interface.  Kool theme ideas would be text fx (fading, etc), theming
> _above_ the rendered text (glass effects), full motion pullouts for
> the buttonbars, scrollbars and Escreen tabs, full control over the
> text apperience of your terminal, etc.  Thoughts?

One of the goals of Eterm 0.10 is to introduce "plugability" of
various components.  If I ever actually get time to work on it,


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc., http://www.nplus1.net/       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "You know the real reason God kicked Adam & Eve Consulting Associates
  LLC off the Eden project, dontcha?  Adam & Eve wanted to audit
  everything and redo Creation in java."     -- Ari Heitner on BugTraq

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