Since someone suggested a possible change for the next DR16 release would
be to shrink the package size I poked around.  BrusedMetal is big, 3.7M
The current package contains 4 themes, BrushedMetal (3.7M), ShinyMetal
(1.2M), BlueSteel (650K), and Ganymede (2.4M).  The other killer is dox,
the pretty spiffy oh so awsome help system that most people look at once
and then never again.  This is arguable, but I'd imagine that being as
DR16 is pretty well understood, we won't get many first time users, and
the fact that most new users probly don't read any of it anyway... not to
mention the fact that you still have tooltips, we can just dump dox which
accounts for another 2.5M.

If you take Edox out completely, then remove the default themes and then
add in just 23oz and Axios you get a compressed tarball (tgz) at 2.4M
instead of the current 12M.

But dumping dox is I admit a contrivursial idea, so I'm just tossing it
out there.


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