On 18/10/17 19:47, Andrew Williams wrote:
> Hi,
> I am struggling with the factual inaccuracies - phab is not markdown (they
> call it "similar to"
> https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/remarkup/), trac is
> not markdown (it is inspired by previous wikis
> https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiFormatting) but all of this is
> irrelevant to the point.
> MarkDown is a common format that many have extended. Case in point - we
> were working on some documentation last night and one of the group did not
> want to put it in the wiki yet so they uploaded it to github temporarily.
> And you know what? Their web engine automatically formatted it correctly -
> I then loaded it into dokuwiki with markdown enabled and the same thing -
> the content, heirarchy, markup and syntax highlighting all just worked.
> Whether we like it or not GitHub has changed the way that people think
> about social coding and their adoption of Markdown has had a big impact on
> people using it as a standard (there are book authoring systems and
> presentation apps using it as the main format).
> What I was proposing is to use MarkDown instead of Dokuwiki syntax (due to
> the benefits already listed) and this has no bearing on the choice of
> dokuwiki or the functionality - it is merely the syntax used. Online
> editing works just as well, page includes also work through "frontmatter"
> much as before. Your assertion that using any other format makes it
> uneditable seems completely untrue - what is causing your concern here?
> Is it possible that in this discussion we have confused the word dokuwiki
> as a format and dokuwiki as a product?

Whenever i've manually updated our wiki pages (or any wiki pages) I
always reference the provided help to use the correct syntax, so how
would use ensure that anyone editing the documentation via the wiki
(which is why its a wiki in the first place) will use markdown
formatting rather then wiki formatting?


Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

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