On Mon, 19 Mar 2018 00:56:20 -0400
Cedric Bail <ced...@ddlm.me> wrote:
> The CMake build never reached maturity and no further attempt to
> improve it is planned. I am actually thinking of removing the build
> support from the tree (Not the installed cmake helper to link against
> EFL) for next release. Meson is our most likely path forward for a
> replacement of our autotools use. It will likely be one release with
> both meson and autotools followed by the complete drop of the
> autotools support in the next release. No schedule at this point on
> when this will happen, but hopefully sometime this year.

I use meson and I really do not understand the craze behind switching
everything to Meson. It has its own issues. It is the most difficult to
deal with under CI. You must install meson and ninja[1]. Then it can
break all of a sudden as meson updates.[2] Which I have to go make such
changes to any using meson like clipboard[3]. Which clipboard is broken
till I require a specific version of meson.

There is already a base cmake build system for EFL. Meson would be
starting from scratch entirely. The speed of meson comes from ninja.
You can use Ninja with CMake. Which CMake + Ninja is just as fast as
Meson + Ninja. Likely spend considerable time with making a meson build
system for EFL. More than fixing cmake IMHO.

Cmake is much more mature than meson, and does not rely on python.
Which python is a PITA. I have more CI builds breaking due to Python
issues lately... CMake is already present in CI and you can just use it
vs messing with installing a build system for CI. Not to mention if a
python update or some other breaks meson, or meson update is to new for
python etc.

Plus cpack, you can easily generate deb and rpm directly from cmake[4]
with trivial effort and almost nothing to maintain. I really like cmake
+ ninja over meson. Meson is ok, but I do not see anything that
  impressive to encourage me to use that over cmake. The few I did move
  to meson, I will likely move to cmake. Less to maintain.....


William L. Thomson Jr.

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