On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 21:38:12 +0000
Stephen Houston <smhousto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would say one agenda item needs to be development of a structure
> plan... i.e. determine what the process is for decision making in the
> project. Who, what, where, when, and why and document that.

If your meaning like project organization, leadership, etc. I recommend
looking at other projects models that are successful and working. Try
to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Though hybrid cherry plucking I think
is acceptable. Better than invention... Please avoid invention!!!

I highly recommend AGAINST something like Gentoo's partial GLEP 39
https://www.gentoo.org/glep/glep-0039.html ( invented pile of dung )

The previous GLEP 4 was better and may work for E

Debian has an interesting model with a global annually elected lead.
Though I am not sure such would apply to E, with like Carsten's role. I
believe Ian remained around Debian in some capacity, till his departing.

I some what see Carsten as playing a BDFL type of role. Which some see
as controversial, but that can also be necessary. Part of Gentoo's
demise was loss of such role and move it to a council, rule by
committee, or death by committee...

All around depending on long term. If wanting a foundation, funding
development etc. I HIGHLY recommend looking at and adopting any of
FreeBSD Foundation's model. I think Debian and FreeBSD are the best.
Though Gnome maybe of consideration given it has corporate interest
which may fit better for like Samsungs role. Gnome is the only that
gives businesses some role, via its Advisory Board.


William L. Thomson Jr.

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