All of that can be discussed - I was not necessarily suggesting that we
need to make changes there - as that was advocated for in other threads,
tickets, etc... and didn't gain any traction. What I do mean is that
whatever our process is, we need to define it and document it so it is

On Wed, Apr 18, 2018, 5:09 PM William L. Thomson Jr. <> wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 21:38:12 +0000
> Stephen Houston <> wrote:
> > I would say one agenda item needs to be development of a structure
> > plan... i.e. determine what the process is for decision making in the
> > project. Who, what, where, when, and why and document that.
> If your meaning like project organization, leadership, etc. I recommend
> looking at other projects models that are successful and working. Try
> to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Though hybrid cherry plucking I think
> is acceptable. Better than invention... Please avoid invention!!!
> I highly recommend AGAINST something like Gentoo's partial GLEP 39
> ( invented pile of dung )
> The previous GLEP 4 was better and may work for E
> Debian has an interesting model with a global annually elected lead.
> Though I am not sure such would apply to E, with like Carsten's role. I
> believe Ian remained around Debian in some capacity, till his departing.
> I some what see Carsten as playing a BDFL type of role. Which some see
> as controversial, but that can also be necessary. Part of Gentoo's
> demise was loss of such role and move it to a council, rule by
> committee, or death by committee...
> All around depending on long term. If wanting a foundation, funding
> development etc. I HIGHLY recommend looking at and adopting any of
> FreeBSD Foundation's model. I think Debian and FreeBSD are the best.
> Though Gnome maybe of consideration given it has corporate interest
> which may fit better for like Samsungs role. Gnome is the only that
> gives businesses some role, via its Advisory Board.
> --
> William L. Thomson Jr.
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