Simon wrote:

> Actually, what I really want is a GL engine that is not aware
> of the rendering-target, i.e. an engine that can render
> indifferently to the backbuffer, to the fronbuffer, to a texture,
> to a pbuffer... and independently of the windowing system used.
> Here would be the different schemes to do these things with this
> generic GL engine:
> .....
> .....
> .....

        I'm not certain wether or not you'll be able to do this,
in that kind of generality, with respect to the windowing system.

        However, starting with OpenGL 1.5 there is available
the "framebuffer object" extension which seems to allow for much
of this. Here's a link to the spec:

        Maybe you could use this approach to construct a fairly
generic gl engine, and presumably support fast 'render-to-texture'


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