I wrote:

>       Let's take your example of an 'evas_object_transform_set'
> api function that you want.
>       Ok, when you come to actually implement this, you will add
> some 'transform' to the evas object structure so that all objects
> keep the transform state. Then, when the canvas calls the object's
> render function it needs to draw the transformed object.. so in
> each object's render function you need to 'implement' the drawing
> of such a trnasformed object.
>       But, you can only call 'engine functions' for this.. that's
> ALL you can work with.
>       Suppose you then want to be able to set a 'filter' object
> on an evas object, eg. to blur, bumpmap, ... an object. Again,
> you will add such state to the evas object structure and in each
> object's render function you need to 'implement' the drawing of
> such an object with such a filter, and with the transform you
> wanted for the object before, and maybe the filter itself admits
> transforms, and maybe you have the object clipped by an image
> object and this image object has borders, and is itself transformed
> in some way, and possibly another filter is being applied to it,
> and the image object has another clip object which is a path which
> is.... and the object you're drawing is a rounded recangle, which
> is to be stroked with some color and filled with some gradient
> texture, and the gradient is a radial one, and is trasnformed in
> some way, and...................
>       And all this you have to 'implement' via the set of "engine
> functions" beacuse that's ALL that the canvas can access to do
> anything. That set of engine functions is the canvas' gfx api, not
> the actual engine gfx backend apis.
>       See the problem?
>       Fortunately, there is a way to do this.  :) 

        I should've added: and that involves a very large rewrite
of the engine level internals. There is no way to avoid this -- if
one wants evas to be able to do much of anything beyond what it now

        It's what I've been working on recently.. but it's a large
amount of work - in itself not necessarily 'difficult', but a lot..
with many, many details.
        Not to mention that I had to work out a fair amount of
other things, like a reasonable mechanism to do such clipping, and
image fill-transforms, and textured stroke/fill of rounded rects,
and try and figure out a better way to deal with styled-text (eg.
something like what I did sometime back with imlib2 text-styling),
and clean-up and improve a bunch of things... And it's going to take
yet more time and work to finish off a lot of it still.


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