On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 02:36:10PM +0900, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> About time i got back to blogging about EFL etc.
> https://phab.enlightenment.org/phame/live/1//post/yet_another_c_object_model_but_better/


thanks for the explanations. Trying to reproduce the steps, the result of my 
differd a bit, though. I didn't get 

    EOLIAN static void
    _tst_eo_base_constructor(Eo *obj, Tst_Data *pd)
       eo_do_super(obj, TST_CLASS, eo_constructor());
    EOLIAN static void
    _tst_eo_base_destructor(Eo *obj, Tst_Data *pd)
       eo_do_super(obj, TST_CLASS, eo_destructor());

but instead

    EOLIAN static void
    _tst_class_constructor(Eo_Class *klass)
    EOLIAN static void
    _tst_class_destructor(Eo_Class *klass)

Is there a more detailed documentation of the Eo-Syntax and API somewhere?
Becuase the one on docs.enlightenment.org is not so verbose or maybe outdated.
Is this because there will be more changes to Eo and things are not fixed yet?

Thanks for your help,

Jean Rene Dawin

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