On Sat, 27 Jun 2015 09:05:02 -0400 Christopher Michael
<cpmich...@osg.samsung.com> said:

> On 06/27/2015 01:14 AM, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > On Fri, 26 Jun 2015 16:11:45 -0400 Mike Blumenkrantz
> > <michael.blumenkra...@gmail.com> said:
> >
> >> With a few minor exceptions in Wayland, all target features for the E20
> >> release have been met. As such, I am planning to commence an
> >> everything-but-wayland feature freeze on Friday, 3 July 2015.
> >>
> >> If anyone has things that they want to push in or implement before the
> >> freeze begins, I'm open to moving back the date as necessary--within
> >> reason. I will not, however, be very receptive to adding new features once
> >> the release cycle freeze has begun.
> >
> > actually - devilhorns.
> >
> > you need to pipe in here - what is the wayland state, and what would there
> > be left to drop in after july 3 and what timetable?
> >
> As far as what is left: DnD needs a bit of testing/tweaking yet as there 
> are some little buggers floating in there (I'll be hacking on that come 
> Monday). We have pending patches to support wl_text_input and 
> wl_input_method (https://phab.enlightenment.org/D2275) however we cannot 
> "securely" push those until we have a working VKbd implementation to go 
> with them. I pinged shiin to see if he could also hack up a vkbd to go with.
> While not a Top priority, support for wl_scaler and wl_viewport would be 
> remaining things to drop in after July 3. We have pending patches for 
> that also (https://phab.enlightenment.org/D2485) however those need some 
> refactoring.
> > i am saying this from the perspective that we get a fair number of "does e
> > run wayland yet" kind of questions and the answer is always nebulous. i
> > think we want a clear state of play for an e20 release.
> >
> While I have not tested it yet, Mike has updated/refactored my initial 
> XWayland branch and pushed that upstream already which means we should 
> have working XWayland support now. I've not tested it yet myself however 
> he did manage to get Firefox running with it (which is good news) :)
> E/Elm apps are running good in E-Wl. Gtk apps also (tho Some gtk apps 
> have popup menu placement issues according to Phab reports). I don't 
> suspect that those are Major issues and likely will take little time to fix.
> QT apps on the other hand are a whole different can of worms. Apparenly, 
> QT5 has not been updated yet to support xdg_shell version 5 which means, 
> while the apps do run, they have quite a few issues. I spoke with RzR 
> about it and he plans to update QT5 to support xdg_shell version 5 which 
> should address issues there.
> There are a few pending buggers listed on Phab which I/we will be 
> addressing in the coming weeks tho I don't think any of them are Major 
> problems (in terms of functionality).
> It is likely that I may be forgetting something in this list, so if you 
> can think of something I may have missed, please ask.

the question reading between the lines from users is:

"can i now use E20 to switch to wayland?"


i've talked with you about this - i know that i personally can't. my 2 main
desktop systems have new nvidia rigs and literally have zero nouveau support. i
know i'm not the only one and for many nouveau is still iffy. i am sure we
could get more people working on wayland if we could run "e in a window" in x11
- ie wl-x11. like weston does. with a but of imagination it'd be possible to
get full acceleration for egl working too.

from a pr point of view, for many people they'd like to "see how e wayland is
going" without having to drop out of x11 to do it. this'd help answer a lot of
questions people have. :) it'd also mean a LOT more helping getting wayland
moving along.

btw - how goes session recovering with uuid's etc. ... stefan?

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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