Ben Rockwood wrote:
Here's a poll that would help many of us in development:

Question: Do you use a desktop enviroment such as KDE and/or GNOME
with Enlightenment DR16?  If so, which one, what version and
how well does it work for you?  And, to what extent?  (For
instance, if you use KDE, do you just use Konq, or do you use
the Kicker, or do you use everything with E substitued for KWM)

Some feedback would be great.  We need to guage how many people
are actively using E in replace of the default WMs for various
desktop enviroments.


I don't use E at all :-(. I now see that it is possible to do it, but I lost my touch with E when switching to RH8 or 9 and things just didn't run as easily or well, found I needed more Gnome crap so just switched to using Metacity (very annoying).

Now, I realize this may be a very unpopular comment, and I am not flaming or trying to be flame bait I am expressing an honest fact. At the time E17 looked like it was making good progress, and would at least be usuable to people that didn't mind a few crashes here and there (read: early adopters) so I switched briefly anticipating its arrival, presuming to switch back in a few months to a wonderful new E17. Which obviously hasn't come yet.

Having been around since E12 or before (sometime during late 1997), I realize that the E team doesn't need great popularity for success (as OSS is still a supremely selfish (in a good way) work), and I have seen what E17 was before, and can imagine what it will be again so will try it as soon as it hits the shelves (or at least the boxes in the aisles), but at some point the early stages of an application needs to come together.

Again I am stating this just because it was posted in poll fashion, I will continue to wait for E17 on the edge of my seat, and anticipate being one of the converted very quickly upon its arrival...

Thanks for all of the previous E releases!

p.s. And yes I know its OSS and I could hack up some code and submit it, but I am not much of a C programmer and the code that the E group has turned out in the past shouldn't be marred by me cutting my teeth, nor is it probably a good place for me to cut my teeth. :-(

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