On 1/13/2013 3:13 PM, nominal9 wrote:
We are OK Archytas.....
Sorry for the "classist" charge... I didn't believe it for a minute...My game was soccer if I hadn't told you before... HAR, don't swipe my HAR.... Process Philosophy... I did some looking into Mr. Whitehead... more in-depth than the summary below...
The fellow got into some some odd permutations.... extending "psychological" modes of analysis and workings into the physical world... as for his contribution to the "systems theory" part... His notions of extension of "events" in time and space seems practical and useful enough.... But the notion of some sort of transmission of "some "essential-as -in - universal" thing" from one existent to another completely different existent by non-physical and non-communicative means (I forget now what W. termed it)... that was somewhat sci-fi. I'll leave it to (and for) you to evaluate the merits of his (W.'s) own and others' advancements in "process or system theory"... just try to maintain a tie or relation to actual physical "things" (RES), with that system stuff, to keep me happy....make it "empirically" proveable and applicable, OK? Question for you.... epistemologically, what would you call Whitehead?...

"Your may not be as 'smart' as me Nom - no cock length test meant (you do too much
of that sometimes)"
Archytas.... I've known you on and off for years....I like you, respect you, all of that.... please take a cue... My material... thematic dialectic "stuff", is not half bad (at all)... it has been around for quite a while and has been picked over and plagiarized piecemeal by quite a few "greater" intellects than you might think....but then, you'll just say I'm paranoid.... HAR....

Is this the Jimmy Savile you meant? Hadn't heard of him....Penn State University had a similar situation with a (US) football assistant coach... Jerry Sandusky... you may have heard.
Sorry states of affairs...speaks ill of institutions, maybe more so than the men themselves....
Closer to my "home"... there has been the Sandy Hook shooting
Too fresh to comment on for me.... so I won't....

Sorry to end on a tragic note... next post I'll try to go another route....
Stephen hasn't written for a bit...maybe he'll drop by ...
Socratus, also... mind body dualism... I wonder what kind or relation of dualism he favors?

Hi There!

I've been and will be very busy but I had to sound off at muster. Two things, process dualism is not a finished product, it must be advanced and applied. I have been studying how it can be used to solve some proplems in physics. It is a natural to solve the problem of time. ;-) About dualism, I like a cross between Leibniz, Descartes, Whitehead and Russell seasoned liberally with the works of Jon Barwise and Vaughan Pratt: dual aspect process monism (that becomes neutral monism in the infinite limit). Ontologically, for example, it implies that all 'substances' are automorphsims.



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