On Sep 8, 2010, at 12:52 PM, David Herman wrote:

>>>> But since Traits seems to be blocked from advancing,
>>> Is there someplace I should read to understand why Traits cannot advance?
>> I asked MarkM off-list what the reason was, and he replied that there
>> was an objection (raised by Waldemar?) to how class evolution was
>> handled.
> My feeling, and I think the feeling of others at the meeting when we 
> discussed traits, was that traits.js is a very nice library but that it 
> doesn't offer enough to the language to warrant standardization, at least 
> yet. The fact that there would be performance benefits to built-in 
> implementations of traits isn't enough to make the case. IMO, libraries 
> should generally be very widely used and very stable before they are added to 
> the ES standard library.

The specific objection articulated by Waldemar was the "version evolution 
problem", where a downstream client and upstream library evolve independent, 
conflicting traits.

If I remember Waldemar's point correctly, he wants version 1 library users to 
be shielded from any conflict between their client code, however it evolves, 
and version 2 of the library, however it evolves. AFAIK this is nowhere near a 
solved problem in PLT.

The general objection, or more accurately, recommendation (since everyone I 
know thinks highly of Mark and Tom's http://traitsjs.org work), was what Dave 
said: the code was too good as library code to win "hardcoding" in dedicated 
syntax in a near-term edition of ECMA-262.

I pointed out on this list that JS VMs have a hard time optimizing traits' 
shared methods -- really, optimizing away multiple function objects resulting 
from evaluation of a single nested function expression or definition:


But this problem can be solved by an extension such as


Specifically the bit I proposed at the July TC39 meeting at Microsoft, which 
Mark nicely wrote up in detail at


So if traits.js does not need syntax to be optimized, it still might merit 
syntax for usability. But we would need more experience with it, and a larger 
user base for it, before standardizing.

We in TC39 generally hesitate to standardize library code. We certainly 
extended the JS standard library in ES5, but notably with JSON, which is a 
fixed spec that will never change (only be replaced some day, Doug says -- that 
day is far off, I say). The ES5 meta-programming API was a synthesis and 
extended rationalization of precursors such as getters and setters including 
their "__" APIs (__lookupGetter__, etc.) first added by Mozilla over ten years 
ago, and cloned into other browsers. Function.prototype.bind was a common 
feature of JS libraries, although not always the same and we're only now 
finding conflicts (with MooTools, which is adapting to avoid the conflict, 

This was more than enough library extension for ES5, and with implementations 
only rolling out now in betas or preview releases, the verdict on how well we 
did is not yet in.

I am sympathetic to objections of the form "Ecma TC39 should not under-evolve 
the language and its standard library and thereby require all developers to 
develop and download big non-standard libraries", but it is not the only 
consideration. On the other side, library standardization should never be 
rushed. Just look at what happened with C! We really do not have the competence 
in TC39 (no one group does, yet, IMHO) to standardize JS library code 

There are indeed notorious language and library gaps to fill, but we are 
focusing on the language gaps, with the Scheme philosophy of adding missing 
primitives that compose well and have good general usability and "safety", 
while treading carefully with the library gaps.

Traits could be part of the standard library at some point if they become 
popular to the same degree as JSON or bind, and provided we can overcome 
Waldemar's objection. Waldemar has been concerned with the "version evolution 
problem" since the original JS2/ES5 days. But we failed to solve it with ES4, 
so I'm not going to hold out for utopia (no-place).

JS is a worse-is-better language, too much so, but getting over it. JS is never 
to be a superb better-is-better (which usually means never-is-better, which 
means users hacking library and app code have to reinvent wheels constantly) 

Parting shot: I find the zero-inheritance classes-as-sugar proposal  to be 
lukewarm beer, and want to spit it out. I'm with Tucker.

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