On Jan 7, 2012, at 11:05 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Allen has 5&6, ES5, ES6, and Compat5. Relabel these to
>   ES5-nonstrict-ES6-intersection
>   ES5-nonstrict
>   ES6
>   ES5-nonstrict-differs-from-ES6
> Since ES5-strict is a subset of ES6, it doesn't require new states.

Again we wink at completion reform -- it changes semantics such that ES5-strict 
is not a subset of ES6 but we believe no code will notice (we could be wrong).

We give up on typeof null and removing the global object. The free variable 
analysis based on global properties still gives early error on typo wins. That 
makes the subset relation technically false too but let's also wink at it by 
considering only strict programs that reach runtime under either an ES5 or an 
ES6 implementation.


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