On Jan 7, 2012, at 11:41 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
> Isn’t ES5.nonstrict the union of ES5.nonstrict-ES6-intersection and
> ES5.nonstrict-differs-from-ES6? If yes then ES5.nonstrict disappears and we
> might have a venn diagram intersecting ES5.nonstrict and ES6:
> ES5.nonstrict-only (=ES5.nonstrict-differs-from-ES6)
> ES5.nonstrict-ES6-intersection
> ES6-only (=ES6-differs-from-ES5.nonstrict)
As Mark just wrote this depends on how we resolve some fine points (completion
reform among them).
> This might be about to the question as to whether there should be a mode that
> combines ES6-differs-from-ES5.strict constructs with ES5.nonstrict. I don’t
> think there should be.
Oh no, that's right out. We can't have 'let' be reserved conditionally without
more complexity (we could just reserve it and see what breaks, but then that's
not ES5-nonstrict is it :-P).
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