On Mar 2, 2012, at 4:31 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

>>> What do you think? Do you like -> better than <| ?  Is it ok to not have it 
>>> available for some possible future function shorthand?
> Both => and -> have strong associations with function shorthands from C#, 
> Scala, C++,  Java 8, Perl, CoffeeScript, ML, Haskell and more.  Whether or 
> not JavaScript adopts a ->/=> shorthand in the future (I still think it 
> should), many developers will think of it as having an association with 
> functions.  Using -> for the proto-of operator effectively also removes the 
> ability to use => as function shorthand later, due to the syntactic 
> similarity of these two operators.

Any of these usages (at least for the more widely used languages) are fairly 
new so I don't know that they establish that strong of a precedent for ES. 

The starting premise for considering -> is that we are not likely to use it (or 
=>) for a lambda shorthand.  Block lambda seems to be the direction that how 
the most momentum.


> Luke

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