Classes are just sugar for a predominant pattern.

On Wednesday, July 25, 2018, kai zhu <> wrote:

> > Classes are widely used on the web. See any modern web framework.
> indeed, and i conjecture in doing so, developers have caused more harm
> than good for their employers in getting their web-projects shipped, when
> JSON-serialization web-integration problems arise.
> On Jul 25, 2018 17:44, "Michael Theriot" <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Classes are widely used on the web. See any modern web framework.
> >
> >
> > On Wednesday, July 25, 2018, kai zhu <> wrote:
> >>
> >> @tj, would you or i care about nodejs/javascript if the language did
> not exist in browsers?  in fact would anyone on tc39 give a damn about
> javascript (aside from its creator) in that scenario?  as i've said before
> [ad nauseam], the only drive most of us [non-frontend-developers] have in
> javascript is making our backend-programs accessible to the masses via
> browsers/webviews.  javascript’s dominance/relevance in industry is as a
> *web-integration* language.  and its aided by its special-ability to
> directly serialize JSON data-structures (an underrated, and very useful
> web-integration feature), while most of its competitors have to rely on
> clumsy, hard-to-serialize classes.
> >>
> >> there is no foreseeable future where javascript will be a better tool
> than java/c++/python/etc. for non web-related projects.  there is
> no foreseeable future where employers would hire nodejs-developers to work
> on non web-related projects.  so why does tc39 insist on pushing
> distracting language-features (clumsy java-like classes,
> non-integration-friendly meta-programming, static module-loading, etc.) for
> an unrealistic future-scenario that’s not going to happen?
> >>
> >> kai zhu
> >>
> >>
> >>> On 24 Jul 2018, at 5:56 PM, T.J. Crowder <tj.crowder@farsightsoftware.
> com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 11:27 AM, kai zhu <> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> tldr - tc39 should focus more on JSON-friendly
> javascript-language-features
> >>>> instead of wasting-time on hard-to-serialize classes/meta-programming.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> This is a false dichotomy (the fallacy of the either/or choice). I'd
> >>> agree we're approaching, or at, the need for the next thing after
> >>> JSON, and that some focus on that would be a good thing. That doesn't
> >>> mean stopping work on other good things. Perhaps you could take the
> >>> lead on addressing the issues you run into. I'm sure constructive
> >>> input would be welcomed.
> >>>
> >>>> my problem with tc39, is that they “claim” javascript is a
> general-purpose
> >>>> language (and try to design it as such), when industry-wise, its
> really not.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Yes, it is. Just because you don't see it that way doesn't mean others
> >>> don't. And others have been telling you they see it differently
> >>> repeatedly over a long period of time on this list.
> >>>
> >>>> if tc39 is sincerely
> >>>> interested in keeping javascript a dominant/relevant language in
> industry,
> >>>> they should focus on *practical* (vs *academic*) features
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> `class` notation is practical (simplifying a common pattern and making
> >>> it less error-prone). (I know you don't use that pattern. That's fine.
> >>> But lots of people do, so it's practical for them whether you like the
> >>> pattern or not.) Promises are practical (simplifying and standardizing
> >>> callbacks, making them composable; again making them less
> >>> error-prone). `async`/`await` is HUGELY practical, massively
> >>> simplifying writing asynchronous code. Arrow functions, rest and
> >>> spread, default parameter values -- all practical. (NOT trying to put
> >>> words in your mouth, but if you were going to reply "Yes, but those
> >>> problems could already be solved in others ways.", then: Sure, and we
> >>> could all write assembly code, too. But it's *useful* to address these
> >>> in the language.)
> >>>
> >>> All of them are useful beyond the web. All are also useful in web
> programming.
> >>>
> >>> I have no problem with skepticism of specific proposals. What I would
> >>> find useful, though, would be a focus on the proposal's merits, rather
> >>> than constant re-raising of this claim that JavaScript is a web-only
> >>> language. You've made that claim, ad nauseum. My view is that it's
> >>> been rejected by the list membership and by TC39, but whether that's
> >>> true or I'm mistaken, please stop spamming the list with it. We all
> >>> know how you feel about it.
> >>>
> >>> But again: I'm sure constructive, research-based input on how to deal
> >>> with JSON issues related to (for instance) BigInt would be welcome in
> >>> that BigInt thread and, ideally, eventually a proposal. There's no
> >>> need for some big conceptual argument over the course of the language
> >>> -- that *is* a waste of time.
> >>>
> >>> -- T.J. Crowder
> >>
> >>
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