> *Reality Check!*
> Dan sounds like a bundle of contradictions and perhaps _should_ stick 
> with Windows. Why should anyone help someone for free if they aren't 
> willing to invest at least an equal amount of time themselves.

Since Dan is no longer subscribed to this list and I know him pretty
well as a friend, I think I can answer this question on his behalf.

He feels that it's way too complicated for him and that you'd have to
be a computer programmer to figure it out. He sees himself more as a 
computer user than a computer tech. He's just like most people in this
respect. They have other things on their minds, like work they want to
do with the computer, but they are not interested in figuring out how
the computer works. It's the same with car troubles; most people just
take their car to an automotive mechanic when things aren't working
right and pay them for their expertise in figuring these things out.
It's actually more efficient than them spending the months of study to
be an even marginally competent mechanic.

Anyway, by posting my proposal I was hoping to help Dan determine the
minimum amount of money he would have to pay out to get his problem 
solved. Plus I was hoping it would give somebody here on the list a 
job opportunity, possibly me if no one beats my bid. 

Like any hesitant customer, Dan just needs to be shown the benefits of 
spending some money. He's already sold on Debian, isn't that a victory
we can build on? And remember, every satisfied customer will give us 
more referrals.


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