Around Sun,Dec 15 2002, at 11:00,  Beaker (aka Jeff W), wrote:
>> Part of dan's problem is that he's using a very old computer. People with new 
>> computers can easily install linux, people with older computers have better 
>> luck using older software.Softare that was written around the time that his 
>> computer was new would likely be easier, however he would be missing out on a 
>> lot of the benefits of newwer software.
>Actually, Dan's hardware can run a fresh NetBSD/OpenBSD distro no sweat 
>(heck - he could even run X with wm2 fairly well if he wants to). One 
>thing though: why download the messages? I believe Dan has an EFN 
>account, right? He should be able to ssh into EFN and run Pine or Mutt, 
>no? If yes, then all thats left is the PPP configuration. Even if EFN 
>doesn't allow Pine/Mutt on their system, there are other alternatives 
>like which do.

EFN supports shell access, we have Pine and Mutt.
He doesn't even need to do PPP to connect to EFN.

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