
I will forward your offer to Dan. Maybe he'll let you take the computer
home for a few days while you figure it out. If I can get Dan to pay me
for my trouble, I'll even shuttle it back and forth; he does not have a 
car either.


> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Ben Huot
> Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 10:34
> Subject: Re: [Eug-lug]Dan's text based computer system
> I'd be willing to do it for free as I am a disabled veteran and cannot 
> receive money. I don't know how long it would take me though I am sure I 
> could finish it in a few days. I don't have a car though.
> I have installed Mandrake before and I actually have a BSD system up and 
> running text only configured for efn. I could probably copy settings 
> from that. This would be a valuable learning experience for me.
> Dexter Graphic wrote:
> > Since this topic keeps coming up as an unresolved issue on 
> > the list I will address it here explicitly and openly with 
> > the hope that we will be able to solve it once and for all.
> > 
> > Here are the facts:
> > 
> > Dan does not want to use a graphical user interface (GUI) to 
> > relate to his computer (that means no windows, icons, mice, 
> > or pointers). He has a philosophical/political preference for 
> > free (as in speech) software and would rather not continue
> > using Windows 95 and its lame Internet Mail program with no 
> > spell checking.
> >  
> > It has been demonstrated at recent EUGLUG meetings that a 
> > text-based mail system is possible with GNU/Linux. Dan 
> > actually has the software on his computer (Debian 3.0). The 
> > problem which remains is figuring out how to configure and 
> > use it. (Dan's computer, by the way, is a desktop Pentium 
> > 133, with 32MB of ram, a Matrox SVGA card, a CD ROM that is 
> > not bootable from the BIOS, and a hard disk that's at least
> > 2GB in capacity.)
> > 
> > For some reason Dan is unwilling to spend the necessary time 
> > and effort to read the instructions and figure it out for 
> > himself. For some reason no on else from EUGLUG is willing 
> > to do this for him for free (as in beer). 
> > 
> > So here is my proposal: 
> > 
> > If Dan pays me at a rate of $10 an hour, I will figure it 
> > out and get a text-based mail system working on his system. 
> > That includes setting up PPP, fetchmail, sendmail, procmail,
> > mutt, emacs, and aspell. Since I know very little about any 
> > of these programs, I figure it will take me at least 25 
> > hours and possibly as many as 50 to get Dan's mail system
> > working. This means it would cost Dan $250 to $500 to solve
> > his problem.
> > 
> > If anyone else with more expertise than me is willing to do
> > it for less, then please submit your own proposals.
> > 
> > Dexter Graphic -- Always trying to present things clearly.
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Eug-LUG mailing list
> >
> > 
> -- 
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> Ben Huot
> Peasant-Scholar
> _______________________________________________
> Eug-LUG mailing list
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