> >> Part of dan's problem is that he's using a very old computer. People with new 
> >> computers can easily install linux, people with older computers have better 
> >> luck using older software.Softare that was written around the time that his 
> >> computer was new would likely be easier, however he would be missing out on a 
> >> lot of the benefits of newwer software.

This is not the case at all; Dan's computer is sufficiently "new" to run
all the necessary text-based programs. As I clearly indicated he does not
_want_ to run and GUI software, and Debian 3.0 is installed and working on 
his box just fine. What he wants/needs is to get a text-based mail program

> >Actually, Dan's hardware can run a fresh NetBSD/OpenBSD distro no sweat 
> >(heck - he could even run X with wm2 fairly well if he wants to). 

There is no reason to switch distros; Dan has already spent considerable 
time and resources getting Debian setup and learning how to use it.

> >One thing though: why download the messages? I believe Dan has an EFN 
> >account, right? He should be able to ssh into EFN and run Pine or Mutt, 
> >no? If yes, then all thats left is the PPP configuration. Even if EFN 
> >doesn't allow Pine/Mutt on their system, there are other alternatives 
> >like freeshell.org which do.
> EFN supports shell access, we have Pine and Mutt.
> He doesn't even need to do PPP to connect to EFN.

This has been suggested already, by Larry Price at one of our Emerald Park 
meetings over a year ago as a matter of fact, and Dan said that he wanted 
to download his mail and work off-line so that he could free up his phone
while he was reading and responding to messages. 

Dexter Graphic -- Always trying to present things as clearly as possible. 

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