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On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 12:16:18PM -0700, baggab wrote:
> Yes it is a PocketPC, bummer.  I wanted that color display!  Found a neat
> Moose head sings the blues though, at www.pocketmovies.net .  I am seeing
> what I can do with the device and DivX.  BTW do you play any songs from your
> devices, I wanted to know just how god awful slow my device was compared to
> others.  It seems like it takes all afternoon to download 30 odd songs.
> The List was a dumb idea.  I've got to control my self when it comes to
> these dumb ideas.

Well, if anyone comes across a PocketPC affordably, please let me know.
My big thing is the need for a nicely backlit screen (color helps but is
not a huge necessity..)  Obviously the larger the screen, the better in my
case.  I've been able to use a Jornada 5something, but I do not know if it
was a 540, 550, or 560.

The reason I need the thing is because of a program called Math Tablet, a
$10 graphing calculator which I can actually see.  I cannot see a
traditional TI-83 or so.

If anyone knows someone with one of the really big screened PDAs (I guess
Sony has one with a screen larger than most PDAs?) it'd be worthwhile to
try a graphing calculator on it too.  There is one for the Palm I think,
but Palms are usually rather tiny and have no or crappy backlight.

If any of you can help a student survive his math classes, please let me
know!  =)

- -- 
Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        A man wrapped up in himself
                                               makes a very small package.
* Knghtbrd does not consider perl an elegant programming language.
<|Rain|> perl is to elegant as roadkill racoon is to cuisine
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