On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 09:31:06AM -0700, Ben Barrett wrote:
> Bummer about the 12" screen, as a larger display for your existing setup
> that sounded like it'd be perfect -- but i can see the cheating issue of
> other students reading your nice big calculator display!

It's actually the keyboard orientation that gets me.  The TI-83 is
acceptable but the TI-99 is not because it has a horizontal layout QWERTY
keyboard.  If you tell me that you think that restrictions of that sort
are stupid and arbitrary, I'll agree with you.

> In terms of companies NOT REALIZING how important it is to have
> accessibility, it is unfortunate that it seems to fall onto your own
> shoulders to convince them.  I'm not in the know on this subject, but
> aren't there organizations to help bring serious attention to these
> matters (even legal attention if need be -- they must do some amount of
> due diligence -- couldn't a bad solution make your situation worse??)

A company is not required to design a product to be used by the blind or
by anybody else for that matter.  OTOH, I bet that a Palm device about the
size of the original models, a slightly larger screen, and using a backlit
greyscale TFT screen for significantly less than the cost of the color
models would sell like hotcakes among those people who don't have great

If you can find an old notebook using greyscale TFT, they were insanely
sharp and crisp.  IBM made a Thinkpad that way in the era of the 486
notebooks and Apple made both 100 and 200 series Powerbooks that way.

> Well good luck!  Are you on the wearables list, Joseph?  Maybe we could
> banter about portable UI's there??  ( =  I'm all for bantering... and
> maybe some useful ideas could even come of it!

I had some interest that direction, but have come to the conclusion that
carryable is indeed better than wearable, though honestly I'm running out
of places upon my person to carry things.  I can now see why the Treo is
so popular even though it's really not extremely good at being a cell
phone or a PDA.  It means one less device to carry.

Mostly this is all an issue for me at all because I already have to carry
a cane, a magnifier, a monocular, and a pair of glasses that need to be
stowed when not on my face.  Add to that a non-tiny cell phone and
suddenly I'm running out of places to carry things.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    The mighty Oak is the result of
  ^ a nut!                                  a nut that has held its ground
<MFGolfBal> rit/ara:  There's something really demented about UNIX
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