On Thursday 17 July 2003 09:54, Rob Hudson wrote:

> How can I make the Gnome desktop run a little faster on my
> aging Pentium 233 laptop?  Or would KDE run any better? 

I've found KDE to be even slower than GNOME.

The last time I saw either running with any decent speed on a 233 
was in the days of RedHat 6.2.

Sometimes you can get a small speed improvement by recompiling 
your kernel but I doubt that doing so will make enough difference 
to matter on a 233 any more.

I think your choices are pretty much narrowed down to choosing a 
differnent window manager -- but hey, that's the beauty of Linux, 
right?  You're not locked in to just one...

Recently I've been using IceWM in my LTSP installs if the server 
is a little underpowered.  It's fast, light, and still runs GNOME 
and KDE programs.  Another old favorite of mine is XFCE.

Try them, you'll like them!

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