On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 09:44:24AM -0800, Bob Miller wrote:
>     # qpkg -I
>     # qpkg -I -v
> To see the list of packages you've explicitly requested:
qpkg works but is quite slow.

>     # cat /var/cache/edb/world
> I'm planning to put Gentoo on my laptop "eventually".  Let us know how
> things like hotplug, wifi and USB go.

USB works fine on my laptop.  Haven't gotten into wifi yet.

Becareful with gentoo on a laptop.  I have two laptops with gentoo on
it.  Laptop hardware is not designed to be running at 100% cpu
utilization all the time, while a desktop could care less.  Gentoo means
compiling a lot and many hours running at near 100% cpu util.  This
broke my power supply in one of my laptops.  The other laptop I have a 3
year warranty on it, and the hardware is so new that Gentoo is the best
for it.  Freebsd won't boot.


Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
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(541) 914-8417                                                   business
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