Bob, et al.
        Ive compiled and installed libgphoto2, gphoto2, gtkam, all the current 
versions (but not from CVS). 
        I did try both of the concord entries, no joy. I also did autodetect, still 
no joy :( I think the chipset in the camera is aox ? anyway, i'm told its 
different than the 2 listed below :( 
        One guy on the gphoto-devel list has some code that he claims will pull the 
data off the camera, but he hasnt provided it to me yet... been waiting a 
couple days... I think all he did was take some simular code and modify it to 
work with this cam... I dont know exactly though :(
        The camera I have looks a lot like the easy... but I guess its different 
        It looks like a pretty decent little device, very small and easy to use, if 
it had full support under linux it would be so much nicer for me though!

and best of all, it can be aquired at many locations for ~$30 Office Max had a 
simular camera (but larger and goofy looking for $10 (afte rebate). I couldnt 
find a officedepot in this area though :( for $10 you can put one in every 
room, and glove box, backpack.... and if you loose it... no big worries!


On Tuesday 18 November 2003 03:50 pm, Bob Miller wrote:
: Linux Rocks ! wrote:
: > My camera:
: > Concord EyeQ Mini
: I just checked gtkam, and it has these two entries in the camera menu.
:       Concord Eye-Q Easy
:       Concord EyeQ 4330
: I wonder whether your camera would work as one of those.
: Versions:
:       gtkam 0.1.10
:       gphoto2 2.1.2

> I've hacked the Xaw3d library to give you a Win95 like interface and it
> is named Xaw95. You can replace your Xaw3d library.
Oh God, this is so disgusting!
        -- seen on c.o.l.development.apps, about the "Win95 look-alike"

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