        If the spam you received had gone through the list, we all would have gotten 
it. I dont think that Ive seen that specific one, so I cant even say its 
anyway associated with the list.
        Ironicly, the email address I usually use on this list gets less spam than 
any other email address I use! I dont really see the list, or its archives as 
beeing an issue for spam.
        My EFN account gets a ton of spam however. Ive had that account since 1995, 
and the rocksolidnetworks address since 1999, so it just may be a matter of 
one address being used more than the other, and around for a longer period of 
time. I also only use the linux email address for mailing lists (both here in 
the DC area, and back home in eugene. The linux address is also not included 
in mailto: links on my webpage, but other address's that do get a lot of spam 
        At anyrate, your always welcome to express concerns... sorry we couldnt nail 
the source of your spam, but I havnt seen any effective way to do anything 
about it... filtering is about your only option.


On Thursday 11 December 2003 12:12 am, Harald Sundt wrote:
: ...I am not certain why these things work the way they do, but if you
: say it ain't the List, then I retract my cracked and yellow parrot's
: beak of peak.
: H
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