See today's "EFN message about spam" announce from EFN Sysadmin on how to
configure individualized spam filtering. Way to go EFN! (If you don't have
an EFN account please disregard).

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Maujean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Eugene Unix and GNU/Linux User Group's mail list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [eug-lug] I am getting SP***M - I apologize,...

> I have been getting a fair amount of spam in my efn inbox that looks
> like it is not being processed by the spam servers (no spamassassin
> headers). How are these getting through, and how would I plug up that
> hole? I'm considering spamassassin for my mail server and need to know
> how to deal with the issues. Any spamassassin experts want to jump in
> and give us a quick dissertation?
> Thanks,
> Christopher Maujean
> Linux Rocks ! wrote:
> >Hal,
> > If the spam you received had gone through the list, we all would have
> >it. I dont think that Ive seen that specific one, so I cant even say its
> >anyway associated with the list.
> > Ironicly, the email address I usually use on this list gets less spam
> >any other email address I use! I dont really see the list, or its
archives as
> >beeing an issue for spam.
> > My EFN account gets a ton of spam however. Ive had that account since
> >and the rocksolidnetworks address since 1999, so it just may be a matter
> >one address being used more than the other, and around for a longer
period of
> >time. I also only use the linux email address for mailing lists (both
here in
> >the DC area, and back home in eugene. The linux address is also not
> >in mailto: links on my webpage, but other address's that do get a lot of
> >are..
> > At anyrate, your always welcome to express concerns... sorry we couldnt
> >the source of your spam, but I havnt seen any effective way to do
> >about it... filtering is about your only option.
> >
> >Jamie
> >
> >On Thursday 11 December 2003 12:12 am, Harald Sundt wrote:
> >: ...I am not certain why these things work the way they do, but if you
> >: say it ain't the List, then I retract my cracked and yellow parrot's
> >: beak of peak.
> >:
> >:
> >: H
> >: _______________________________________________
> >: EuG-LUG mailing list
> >:
> >
> >
> >
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