        Hal has been a member of eug-lug since way before you joined. He doesnt write 
the list as often as you or I, but that doesnt make him any less(or new) of a 
        I havnt seen him at any meetings lately, but then I havnt seen you at any 
either, but maybe if you made some of the meetings/clinics you would remember 
him. He's actually a fun guy. 
        He often signs his email "Hal", which is why I used that, If Hal had a 
problem with it, dont you think Hal would have said something?
        Please ceass your picking of nits with me, I for one have been tired of it 
for months now.


On Thursday 11 December 2003 11:40 am, Ben Barrett wrote:
: Jamie, please note that Hal is a newcomer to our list and the Eugene area,
: while Harald is a separate person... forgive me if you've always called
: Harald "Hal" for short.
: Regards to Hal and Harald,
:    Ben
: On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 00:52:21 -0500
: Linux Rocks ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: | Hal,
: |     If the spam you received had gone through the list, we all would
: |     have gotten
: | it. I dont think that Ive seen that specific one, so I cant even say its
: | anyway associated with the list.
: ....
: On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 23:13:58 -0500
: Linux Rocks ! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: | Hal,
: |     While I sympathize with getting spam, its not going through this
: |     list. Its
: | possible that your email address was harvested via the web archive, but I
: | see no evidence of that.
: ....
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: EuG-LUG mailing list

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ftpd and ircd would be linked to ftpp and ircp... and of course the 
point-to-point protocal paenguin.
        -- Kevin M. Bealer, commenting on the penguin Linux logo

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