because it can be overwhelmed, if all three spamassassin boxes are chugging away
and aren't returning an answer within 10sec procmail will just assume spamd is unavailable and default to delivering the mail.

I'd like to try something like SPF

because SA, while surprisingly good for an expert system, is not a complete solution
to the problem of spam.

For a solution to work, it needs to be

1. standards based
2. unilaterally implementable (i can implement it and get some benefit, you don't get the benefit but aren't actively harmed by it if you choose not to implement)
3. not centralised (if I have to pay USD 300 per year to verisign just to send email, I will share my pain )

On Thursday, December 11, 2003, at 12:47 PM, Christopher Maujean wrote:

I also get a large amount of spam that IS trapped by spamassassin. I don't believe that my spam assassin settings have anything to do with this, other than the fact that spamassassin is enabled on my account, and has been since the very beginning of the efn implementation. All other email I get at my efn address is marked by spamassassin one way or the other (spam or not spam). As I mentioned below, there are No spamassassin headers in the spam I am talking about.

I guess my complete question, away from any specific account is as follows.

Why would a spamassassin setup such as's completely miss 3-10 spam emails a day, where miss is defined as not process at all.

Darren Hayes wrote:

See today's "EFN message about spam" announce from EFN Sysadmin on how to
configure individualized spam filtering. Way to go EFN! (If you don't have
an EFN account please disregard).

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Maujean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "The Eugene Unix and GNU/Linux User Group's mail list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 1:49 AM
Subject: Re: [eug-lug] I am getting SP***M - I apologize,...

I have been getting a fair amount of spam in my efn inbox that looks
like it is not being processed by the spam servers (no spamassassin
headers). How are these getting through, and how would I plug up that
hole? I'm considering spamassassin for my mail server and need to know
how to deal with the issues. Any spamassassin experts want to jump in
and give us a quick dissertation?

Christopher Maujean

Linux Rocks ! wrote:

If the spam you received had gone through the list, we all would have


it. I dont think that Ive seen that specific one, so I cant even say its
anyway associated with the list.
Ironicly, the email address I usually use on this list gets less spam


any other email address I use! I dont really see the list, or its

archives as

beeing an issue for spam.
My EFN account gets a ton of spam however. Ive had that account since


and the rocksolidnetworks address since 1999, so it just may be a matter


one address being used more than the other, and around for a longer

period of

time. I also only use the linux email address for mailing lists (both

here in

the DC area, and back home in eugene. The linux address is also not


in mailto: links on my webpage, but other address's that do get a lot of


At anyrate, your always welcome to express concerns... sorry we couldnt


the source of your spam, but I havnt seen any effective way to do


about it... filtering is about your only option.


On Thursday 11 December 2003 12:12 am, Harald Sundt wrote:
: ...I am not certain why these things work the way they do, but if you
: say it ain't the List, then I retract my cracked and yellow parrot's
: beak of peak.
: H
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