On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 06:54:02PM +0000, Bob Crandell wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't have LDAP installed anywhere.  So what you're saying is I need to
> install the users on the spam filter box in order for it to filter the mail
> that passes through it?  Not a big deal but I was hoping against it.
> Thanks

No, this is what I have at one site:

1) Postfix+amavisd-new+spamassassin on one server
2) default exchange 5.5 on another server
3) script that dumps ldap entries from exchange to a text file that postfix

Easy as one, two, three.

It provides these benefits over other solutions I've seen:
- All users modification is done on the exchange server.  #3 takes care of
  new/removed users.  No user accounts on the postfix server
- Postfix accepts mail _only_ for valid email accounts on the exchange server.
  Previous email filters I've worked with accepted all mail at the filter
  level.  Then crap stayed in the filter for days on end because NDR reports to
  nonexistant.domain.com failed to go.
- Postfix allows checking via perl compatible regular expressions.  That is
  very cool.


Cory Petkovsek                                       Adapting Information
Adaptable IT Consulting                                Technology to Your
(858) 705-1655                                                   Business
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