I have a couple of these. One is the main router, the other configured as a 
bridge to connect my office to the router and cable. At the router I also have 
a Linksys PAP2 (connected to the switch with an Ethernet cable) which is the 
IAD for a ViaTalk voip line.

I set up QOS to favor the PAP2 using it's mac address, but I also assign a 
fixed IP address to the PAP2 in DHCP. 

Here's where the problem comes in. Whenever I restart the router for any 
reason, the PAP2 gets disoriented. It won't work correctly until I assign a 
different IP address and reboot the router again. It has something to do with 
the PAP2 reregistering with its SIP server.

Has anybody seen this problem? I could track it down, but it would take a long 
time and lot of equipment shuffling. The DD_WRT sites don't seem to have any 
info on this.

Cheers, Bob
Eugene, OR - Tucson, AZ

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