Yes, I'm using DD-WRT and the switch is part of the router. 


I wanted to configure QOS because this is both my and my wife's work phone
and there is a lot of stuff happening on the network. I write Wifi software
for a living so the networking in the house is, let us say, complicated.


There are lots of ways to configure the QOS in the DD-WRT, but using the mac
address seemed like the most straightforward. Best would be if the PAP2 was
setting DSCP properly and the DD-WRT allowed you to configure that.
Bitorrent is also set up a Bulk. I prefer the classes used by 802.11, Voice,
Video, Best Effort and Background.


I do need to get a UPS or two.


Cheers, Bob

Eugene, OR - Tucson, AZ


Of Ben Barrett
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:37 PM
To: Eugene Unix and Gnu/Linux User Group
Subject: Re: [Eug-lug] WRT54G and WRT54GL routers - anybody had this


I have not, and also have a Linksys PAP2 from Viatalk connected to my
Linksys NAT-router -- although I have never seemed to need to fuss with QoS.
I also do not have any LAN bridge or other switch, as you do.  Is your
switch a separate device, or are you referring to a multi-port router?  If
standalone, is it a smart switch or a dummy, or actually a hub?  On the
asterisk wiki there is some documentation about configuring Viatalk, which
may be helpful if you haven't seen it, and I think Viatalk has decent
support pages too (although I haven't needed them, admittedly).
Oh, you're using DD-WRT instead of the Linksys firmware?  If that is the
case, then my comparison might not be very helpful... fwiw, I put my cable
modem, router, pap2, and phone all on a UPS and can confirm that I still
have voip service during power outages, which was my goal.  Next would be
finding a suitable fail-over uplink. :)

Question though:  can't you simply configure the QoS to favor your sip/voip
traffic rather than the originating address?  That way, if you chose to run
a soft-phone client you'd still achieve desirable service quality?
Related question:  did you setup QoS b/c of bad call quality, or just b/c
you could, or in expectation of silly asymetic uplinks grinding things to a
halt, or something else?


On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Bob Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a couple of these. One is the main router, the other configured as a
bridge to connect my office to the router and cable. At the router I also
have a Linksys PAP2 (connected to the switch with an Ethernet cable) which
is the IAD for a ViaTalk voip line.

I set up QOS to favor the PAP2 using it's mac address, but I also assign a
fixed IP address to the PAP2 in DHCP.

Here's where the problem comes in. Whenever I restart the router for any
reason, the PAP2 gets disoriented. It won't work correctly until I assign a
different IP address and reboot the router again. It has something to do
with the PAP2 reregistering with its SIP server.

Has anybody seen this problem? I could track it down, but it would take a
long time and lot of equipment shuffling. The DD_WRT sites don't seem to
have any info on this.

Cheers, Bob
Eugene, OR - Tucson, AZ

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