Having driven both the Spark and the Leaf, IMO the article overstates the performance advantage of the Spark. They both have more than sufficient acceleration for city driving. Meanwhile the Leaf offers important feature advantages.

And Zeke is right, the Spark has a huge distribution DISadvantage. Making the current Spark, sadly, a compliance car. Along with Fiat and Honda.


On 3/11/14 3:27 PM, Zeke Yewdall wrote:
With a price that is a fraction of the Tesla Model S, the Spark EV has many
times more potential customers. Basically, the Model S is a toy of the
wealthy while the Spark EV is clearly built for the masses.

When it comes to the direct competition, the Spark EV holds a significant
performance edge over the Nissan Leaf, Fiat 500 E, Honda Fit EV and Ford
Focus electric.

Unfortunately, the Leaf and the Tesla hold an enormous advantage over the
Spark.... they're actually available for purchase outside of a few select
states.  That's why I see Leaf's all the time, and a few Teslas driving
around, here in Colorado, and have never seen a Spark.   If you don't offer
it for sale, it's hard to compete...

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