In a very long term sense, hydrocarbons are also only an energy carrier.  
They stored solar energy millenia ago.

But I know what you mean.  

You could think of a fuel cell as a mechanically rechargeable battery.  The 
plus is that you can do the electrolysis offboard and it can be recharged 
quickly.  (This is also its big positive for the current stakeholders - 
petroleum companies - because they still get to sell something and profit on 

The minus is that producing hydrogen with electrolysis is not very 
efficient, markedly less so than storing the same electrical energy in a 
battery.  I have a vague recollection that round trip efficiency isn't much 
better than with an ICE, but I might be thinking of something else.

IIRC most industrial hydrogen is made from natural gas.  I suspect that if 
that's your source for your FCV, you'd be better off just compressing the NG 
and burning it right in an ICE, but I might be wrong about that.  

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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