I don't think you can get away from the fact it takes energy to break water
- more than you get back when you oxidize it.   That is why hydrogen is an
energy transport material  - not an energy source. Gonna be hard to compete
with hydrocarbons where there is a huge energy output from simply isolating
them and getting them to combine with O2- the energy has already been put
in them.

I don't get this comment: " wasteful vibrational movements found in the

How is that related to an ultrasonic cleaner which clearly has to be
plugged in the wall.

It all sounds very anti-laws of thermodynamics at first blush.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Rick Beebe <r...@beebe.org> wrote:

> On 3/13/2014 8:28 PM, Ben Apollonio wrote:
>> I doubt "yank and crush" will happen again.  Tesla is too much of a
>> threat for anyone not to want to keep their EV program active, even
>> if it's only a contingency plan.  My bigger fear would be Toyota
>> sucking market share and investment away from EV's when they start
>> shipments of their Fool Cell car.  Even then, though, the significant
>> disadvantages of hydrogen infrastructure (and fuel cells in general)
>> should keep competition to a minimum.
> It may cause a little distraction but I feel at this point the EV market
> is still such a small percentage of the total automobile market, but is
> gaining good momentum, that the distraction will be absorbed by other areas.
> I was a judge at the Connecticut State Science Fair today and one young
> lady had a very intriguing display on using the Piezo Electrochemical
> Effect to generate hydrogen. I'd never heard of this and, honestly, didn't
> understand a lot of it, but she was able to create some sort of carbon
> matrix by carbonizing egg membrane, put it in a solution and subjected it
> to high frequency vibration and it generated hydrogen.
> For those who understand such things here's her abstract:
> The current energy crisis has sparked many scientists' interest
> in alternative energy sources, specifically the supplementation of a
> hydrogen economy that is reliant on fuel-cell technology. Recently, a new
> water-splitting mechanism called the "Piezo-electrochemical" (PZEC) effect
> was found to be capable of generating hydrogen by submerging piezoelectric
> fibers in water and applying an oscillating force. This way, hydrogen can
> be created from water-splitting using otherwise wasteful vibrational
> movements found in the environment.
> Unfortunately, current methods of generating hydrogen through
> the PZEC effect, using BaTiO3 dendrites as the piezo material, are
> highly inefficient. It is predicted that hydrogen production would be
> significantly increased by selecting chemically stable piezo materials with
> large aspect ratios and surface areas, allowing for greater electrical
> charge. This research provides an optimized, low-cost route for
> zero-emission hydrogen production through the PZEC effect by applying
> ultrasonic vibrations to ZnO interwoven microfibers and BiFeO3
> nanodendrites. ZnO microfibers were synthesized atop an organic eggshell
> membrane biotemplate. These microfibers and BiFeO3 nanodendrites were
> characterized with SEM/EDS analysis, and separately placed in di-water.
> An ultrasonic cleaner was used to apply mechanical force to the
> piezo materials, and H2-production was measured using GC-TCD. Vibration of
> ZnO biomorphic interwoven microfibers (0.003g/ml di-water) led to a
> H2-production rate of 5.46×10-1 ppm/s, which is 102 greater than
> literature using BaTiO3 dendrites. The H2-concentration (% percentage of
> sample) was found to be, on average, 0.139%. Sonication of
> BiFeO3-nanodendrites produced a H2-production rate of 3.34×10-1 ppm/s,
> which is attributed to charge cancellations resulting from the dendrite
> morphology.
> -----------------------------
> I know it's off topic for EVs, but I did drive to the fair in an EV <g>
> --Rick
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