EVDL Administrator wrote:
simple cycle-dropping charge controller ...
On further thought, somthing occurs to me - I don't think this circuit will
work properly with a filtered DC input (as from a bench supply).  Maybe a
real EE (I'm just a hacker) will weigh in.

Yeah, that's an AC-only circuit. Not a very effective one, either. It has a diode *and* a triac in series (2.5v drop out of 12v), and uses only uses half-wave rectification. You only get about half the charging current that a given transformer could have provided with a full-wave rectifier.

It's basically a cost reduced version of the 1970's CitiCar charger. Use an SCR in place of the triac, and put back the missing diode to make it full-wave, and it would perform much better.

If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?
        -- Albert Einstein
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