What I really want to guess is - do we think they can actually do a  good
job of reconditioning a Pius pack for $1500?  What if there were some
problems with the pack? I am not trying to learn how to do it in a home
situation (maybe later), this is about - is it likely the AR&D system
actually does good work?  You can see my problem - I don't know what good
work would look like for a Prius Pack.

Supposing a pack that is needing a lot of work.  Then you have testing,
probably some tear down and R&R of cells.  I don't know what is in a Prius
pack - is there a charger? BMS?  All that is handled by the car's
electrical system?

Do we know how much Prius NiMH cells cost?  Used ones?  New?  A whole new

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Lee Hart via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Michael Ross wrote:
> > Here is one test unit available for Prius packs:
> > http://www.go2hev.com/hybrid-vehicle-battery-testing-and-
> analysis-kit.html
> >
> > The maker Automotive Research & Design (what an instructive name) does
> > more than just produce this test unit - they do a lot of training of
> > mechanics by various means.
> > http://www.go2hev.com/home.html
> >
> > OEM cell test equipment seems to come from ARBIN
> > http://www.arbin.com/
> "If you got the dough, then it's a go." But this tends to be expensive
> commercial equipment and training for professionals that will do this for a
> living.
> > Lee said: "The only way to know for sure is to TEST. Test each cell
> > or battery, and see what you've got."
> >
> > This was my assumption.  I will be interested to see if the school or
> > Hybrid Shop goes to this much trouble.
> Yes, this is a concern. I notice that the go2hev.com unit says it spends
> 20 *seconds* doing the power test, and the graphs say the amphour test is
> similarly brief. Now if you're in a shop and working by the hour, you want
> the quickest possible test, regardless of its accuracy. But I have to
> wonder how accurate the data that you get from such a short test will be.
> > If we were to estimate the labor required to test a Prius pack
> > - what would that look like?  Would it be any where near sat $1000?
> A typical auto repair shop is likely to charge $100/hour. At that rate,
> $1000 is about 10 hours of work. They have to pay for all that equipment
> and testing, right?
> It can obviously be done far cheaper yourself, if you're willing to invest
> your time and a few dollars for simple equipment.
> A voltmeter, some light bulbs for a load, a commercial battery charger, a
> clock, and a clipboard are sufficient for basic testing. That's what I used
> to do. I learned a *lot* about batteries this way!
> Or, you can buy a simple battery tester/cycler, intended for the R/C model
> cars and planes. For example, I have a Model Rectifier Corp. "Super Brain
> 989". It tests lead-acid, nicad, nimh, or lithium cells or batteries up to
> about 24v and 20ah capacity. Cheap (and cheaply made), but it works
> adequately for hobby use. There are many similar units.
> Or, you can build my Battery Balancer (or something like it -- the plans
> are open source and on the web). It does what any battery tester has to do:
> Select a battery or module, charge it under known conditions, discharge it
> under known conditions, compare and record the results. I've been building
> and refining it for over 15 years! It's at http://www.sunrise-ev.com/
> balancer.htm
> --
> Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any
> good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats. -- Howard Aiken
> --
> Lee Hart's EV projects are at http://www.sunrise-ev.com/LeesEVs.htm
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Michael E. Ross
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