I believe the RAV4 uses a Tesla made pack - Li ion I presume.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 3:02 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV <
ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> On 17 Nov 2014 at 8:37, paul dove via EV wrote:
> > You all need to read the link I posted.
> >
> > It explains how to recondition Nickle based batteries.
> >
> > It also explains the failure mechanism and why this works.
> I did read that page.  It may be accurate - I'm not an electrochemist - but
> it reminds me of the woo-woo that lead battery pulse charging advocates use
> to explain why their chargers (like all other chargers!) temporarily
> improve
> battery capacity.
> That said, though I don't know about the physics of it, Saft for one does
> recommend re-conditioning their large flooded cells when they have declined
> in capacity.
> Note that I hyphenated "re-conditioning."  Large NiCd cells and monoblocks,
> as used in some EVs, aircraft, and locomotives, are normally shipped
> uncharged. When they're installed, they require a procedure callled a
> commissioning or conditioning charge.  (For the small cells you get in and
> for portable gadgets, this is done at the factory.)
> For this, Saft specifies a 14 hour 0.1C constant current charge.  If you do
> the math, you see that this is essentially a 40% overcharge.  (FWIW, Saft
> recommends a 20% overcharge on every normal charging cycle.  This is for
> their non-recombinant open cells, not the MR blocks.)
> Re-conditioning is (duh) just repeating this conditioning process.
> Again going from Saft's instructions, the block or battery is discharged at
> a controlled low rate (Saft says 0.2C) to below 1.0 volts per cell (< 5v
> for
> a 6v nominal monoblock).
> Once flat, the battery is given a fresh conditioning charge.  Saft says
> that
> for re-conditioning you can use 0.2C for 7 hours, instead of 0.1C for 14
> hours, if you're short on time.
> One thing I should point out.  "Re-conditioning" as the term is used in
> NiCd
> (and possibly NiMH) battery maintenance is not what many car folks think of
> as reconditioning.
> That is, what these guys are doing to a NiMH battery for $1000+ is not
> really similar to having a shop rebuild your ICEV's alternator.  That
> rebuilt alternator will probably run about as long as a new one would, but
> your re-conditioned NiCd or NiMH battery almost certainly won't work as
> well
> or as long as a new one.
> "The Hybrid Shop" say that they replace under-performing blocks.  I wonder
> whether they use new or used modules for replacements.
> I also wonder how well re-conditioning works with sealed cells, as opposed
> to open (flooded) ones.  I own a Maha NiMH AA-cell charger that claims to
> do
> a re-conditioning cycle.  I admit I haven't used that cycle frequently, but
> I have yet to see it significantly improve any of my older NiMH cells'
> capacity.
> Another little wrinkle here.  IIRC, Toyota's onboard software carries out a
> form of re-conditioning and/or equalization automatically on their "hybrid"
> batteries when the computer senses a loss of capacity.
> I haven't heard that this kind of mini-re-conditioning is done
> automatically
> on the (small number of) true Toyota EVs such as the RAV4-EVs.  Maybe
> someone else knows.
> As to whether Ford's software does such a quickie tweak, I don't know that
> either, but you might want to find out.  If I'm not mistaken, for their
> early Escape "hybrid," Ford bought the design (and possibly the hardware)
> from Toyota.  It was the design that Toyota had used in the first
> generation
> Prius, not the second generation.
> Hope this helps.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
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